Virtual Reality – Filming on the day
As mentioned in our previous blogs Pathways Training & eLearning have recently worked with ACCES Employment to develop a brand new Virtual Reality health and safety course for students in the trades.
Part of creating a VR course is capturing 360 images and video footage, and when you go out to your filming location there are several important things you should consider such as:
1. Breaking the areas into zones
If the area you are capturing 360 images and videos is large one thing to consider is how your learners will navigate around the area and interact with things in the VR course. One way to make navigation easy for learners is to break the area down into zones that learners can visit. For example, you might be in a location that has several rooms and inside each of these rooms you could have several activities that the learner needs to complete before moving onto the next room or location. By breaking down areas into smaller zones it helps learners to keep track of where they have come from, what they have completed and where they need to go next.
2. Getting the right angle
When capturing 360 images and videos for your VR course one important thing to think about is the angle you are capturing images and videos from. When positioning the camera think about the thing you want the learner to interact with (e.g., a work desk) and think about how the learner would be viewing it on their screen (e.g., is it better to have a straight on or side shot). If possible, try to take more than one image of the same thing from different angles as you may not easily able to get back to the site you are filming at.
3. Charged equipment
This may seem like an obvious one but one of the most important things you need to make sure you check before filming is that all your devices such as laptops, cameras, phones etc. are fully charged. Make sure the night before you go to your filming location you put all your devices on charge, on the day try to schedule regular breaks during which you can charge your equipment, this is particularly important if you’re in a location where you do not have easy access to power outlets.
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