Gamification Statistics
Gamification is a powerful way to enhance the effectiveness of your eLearning and digital training. Applying gamification concepts can help improve engagement and interactivity in your eLearning and help improve the overall learner experience. Below are some statistics that outline some of the key benefits of using gamification in your eLearning.
Employees say gamification makes them feel more productive (89%) and happier (88%) at work.
43% of the employees haven’t noticed any gamification elements at work.
33% would like more game-like features in their employee training software.
61% of the respondents receive training with gamification.
83% of those who receive gamified training feel motivated, while 61% of those who receive non-gamified training feel bored and unproductive (Yikes!).
Gamification in the workplace still has a significant impact on employee engagement, motivation, and psychology.
89% believe they’d be more productive if their work was more gamified.
78% of the respondents say that gamification in the recruiting process would make a company more desirable.
As for the type of training employees would gamify more if they had the chance:
30% picked gamification in corporate compliance training first
18% chose training on products and services
16% selected technical skills development training
The majority of people who receive non-gamified training score really low in motivation (28%). They also find their training boring (49%) and unproductive (12%).
Now, here’s what happens when they receive training that features gamification elements (usually eLearning gamification): 83% feel motivated, and only 13% feel bored or unproductive.
As a matter of fact, the gamification engagement stats suggest that almost 9 in 10 employees feel happier when they use gamified software at work.
The news is still good. Employee gamification seems to be boosting competition and eagerness among 89% of the respondents.
The gamification market size in 2018 had a global value worth $6.8 billion and predicted to register an impressive growth of 32%, reaching $40 billion by 2024. (ReportLinker – TechSci Research)
The corporate sector worldwide will be the biggest buyer of game-based learning solutions with an expected CAGR of a very high 54% from 2018 to 2023. (Metaari 2018-2023 Global Game-based Learning Market Report)
Federal agencies across the globe will account for a growth rate of 41.7% for game-based learning products while state and local government agencies will achieve 43.4% CAGR. (Metaari)
What are organizations looking to buy? This can be gleaned from the projected growth rates of three major game-based products and services – authoring tools and delivery platforms (45%), custom development services (43%), and packaged retail educational games (36.5%). The primary buyers of custom services are government agencies and corporations. (Metaari)
8 segments have been identified as major users of game-based learning solutions – corporations, consumers, federal government agencies, local government agencies, preschools, elementary schools, secondary schools, and educational institutions. (eLearning Industry)
In a 2018 – 2023 forecast of game-based learning growth rates for seven regions, Africa emerged with the highest growth rate of 60.1%, North America followed at 46.1%, Eastern Europe 42.8%, Western Europe 40.2%, Latin America 40%, Middle East 32.3%, and Asia-Pacific 27.0%. (Metaari)
50% of business transformation programs fail because of poor employee engagement. (European CEO)
Employees are open and positive about gamification. 97% of employees above the age of 45 agree that it would help improve work, 87% agree that it makes them more productive, and 85% would spend more time on gamified software. (Talent LMS)
50% of employees don’t use the software that the company provides. (Convoso)
80% of employees enjoy using gamification software solutions at work. (Talent LMS)
88% of employees do not use social software or platforms. (Convoso)
80% of US workers believe learning that is game-based is more engaging. (eLearning Learning)
Company gamification training features are said to increase by 60% the level of employee engagement and enhance productivity by up to 50%. (eLearning Learning)
35% – 60% recall performance by employees who undertook gamified training using retrieval practice combined with quizzes or course content. (EHSToday)
Gamification is also being used to enliven customer engagement since 54% of customers are not active in loyalty programs and 69% of clients do not join or participate in online forums and communities. (Convoso)
30% – 40% increase in online customer interactions was experienced by content and media companies using gamification. (Deloitte)
Up to 7X conversion rate has been achieved by companies using gamification. (Neil Patel Blog)
The 5 best gamification tools for sales teams are LevelEleven, FantasySalesTeam (used by HP), Hoopla, Ambition, and Bunchball Nitro (used by IBM, SAP, and Salesforce). (eLearning Learning)
50% of startups are reportedly integrating gamification into their strategy. (Bitcatcha)
67% of students reported that a gamified course was more motivating than a traditional course. (Taylor & Francis Online)
The 5 most popular gamification features in educational apps (which can also be used for corporate purposes) are progress bar, achievements, in-app currency, leaderboard, and actual games. (eLearning Industry)
Most preferred gamification strategies by adult learners are: progressing to different levels (30%), points/scores (27%), real-time feedback on performance (26%), progress bars (25%), activity feeds (24%), competition with friends (13%), being part of a story (11%), avatars (3%), and virtual currencies (2%). (Bravon)
Gamification affects the willingness of students to study in an enjoyable way, with preferences for certain gamification elements: profile updates (53%), getting points (27.2%), receiving badges (14.1%), and other awards (5.4%). (IIAKM)
Gamification is one of the top 10 must-have features of a learning management system. (ProProfs)
Gamification of employee onboarding will see greater use since new employees are 69% likely to stay with a company for 3 years or more if they are provided well-formed onboarding. (XL Pro)
75% of the global workforce by 2025 will be made up of millennials – a generation that grew up on computers and video games. Hence, gamification in the workplace will find wider appeal with millennial employees. (Training Journal)
Use of technology in schools around the world will continue to grow. Currently, 48% of students use desktops in classrooms, 42% use smartphones, 33% interactive whiteboards, and 20% tablets. These devices will support the continuing trend of gamification in education. (EdTech)
e-learning gamification will be used more widely in combination with other learning strategies. Micro-learning alone results in 50% more engagement and this is seen to multiply many times over when blended with e-learning gamification. (XL Pro)
The gamification industry is expected to grow to over $2 billion in the U.S. by 2015, according to M2 Research. (Huffington Post)
61% of surveyed CEOs, CFOs, and other senior executives say they take daily game breaks at work. More than half of these gameful executives say they play during work in order “to feel more productive.” (Ryan Jenkins)
By 2014…more than 70% of Global 2000 organizations will have at least one gamified application, driving 50% of all innovation. (Engagement Alliance)
Since 2010, over 350 companies have launched major gamification projects. These include consumer brands like MLB, Adobe, NBC, Walgreens, Ford, Southwest, eBay, Panera, and more. (Huffington Post)
In the United States alone, there are 183 million active gamers. Those gamers play 13 hours a week on average. (Ryan Jenkins)
Almost 80% of the learners say that they would be more productive if their university/institution or work was more game-like. (Talent LMS)
Over 60% of learners would be motivated by leaderboards and increased competition among students. 89% say that a point system would increase their engagement with an eLearning application. (Talent LMS)
By 2018, the Global Gamification Market will reach $5.5Bn. (Engagement Alliance)
70% of business transformation efforts fail due to lack of engagement.
By the end of 2015, 40% of Global 1000 organizations will use gamification as the primary mechanism to transform business operations.
The worldwide gamification market will grow from $242 million in 2012 to $2.8 billion in 2016.
53 %of technology stakeholders said that by 2020, the use of gamification will be widespread.
At Fortune 500 firms, 73.6 percent of technology-delivered training comes through networked, online methods. (1)
Corporations can save up to 70% by replacing traditional training with eLearning (IOMA 2002).
Over 18,000,000 college students are taking at least one of their classes online. By 2019 half of all classes will be done online. (2)
eLearning is $56.2 billion industry. By 2015 this will grow into a $107 billion market . (3) It makes it the fastest growing market in education industry.
How Can Gamification Improve eLearning?
Over 75% people are gamers (50% casually and 27% moderately to fairly often). (4)
Learners recall just 10% of what they read and 20% of what they hear. If there are visuals accompanying an oral presentation, the number rises to 30%, and if they observe someone carrying out an action while explaining it, 50%. But learners remember 90% "if they do the job themselves, even if only as a simulation. (5)
Almost 80% of the learners say that they would be more productive if their university/institution or work was more game-like. (4)
Over 60% of learners would be motivated by leader boards and increased competition between students. (4)
89% would be more engaged win an e-learning application if it had point system. (4)
The Future of Gamification in eLearning Industry
By 2015 50% of organizations managing innovation processes will gamify aspects of their business. (7)
Accordingly, by 2015, 40 percent of Global 1000 organizations will use gamification as the primary mechanism to transform business operations. (7)
53% of responders say that by 2020 gamification will be widely adopted by most of industries, communications scene and most of all education. (8)
Contact Pathways Training and eLearning to see examples of learning games we have created and to learn about how your organization can use learning games to improve training content retention.
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