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Changing Technologies and eLearning

The eLearning industry is an industry that is heavily affected by technology, after all without technology its not possible for eLearning to exist in the form it is today. eLearning has been changing rapidly over the last few years with an increase use in tablets, laptops and smartphones, now more than ever learners are taking training in a variety of different ways and while on-the-go. With the rise of new technologies such as Virtual Reality and Artificial intelligence, eLearning will most likely change again.

Below are some ways eLearning might change over the coming years as technology evolves.

1. Personalisation

As technology improves and gets better at understanding what we like and don’t like the same technology could also be used to create a personalised experience for the learner and better understand what their needs are. By understanding the types of eLearning and digital training people are taking and what they are interactive with it could be possible to identify what the learners goals are and recommend additional training to them. For example if a learner is taking an accounting course technology could be used to recommend them other courses in the same field or notify them if they need to take an updated version of a course.

2. Blended Learning

Blended learning involves combining multiple types of learning to teach learners about a subject, for example a curriculum might be created that uses a combination of classroom training, eLearning and social learning. In the past learners did not have as many options and would have needed to go to a classroom session or get books if they wanted to learn something new. Now with technology these can be combined, you might combine a classroom session with technology and get learners to perform tasks while in the classroom or you might have pre-requisites to a classroom and have learners take an eLearning before attending to get a baseline knowledge.

3. Immersion

More immersive ways of learning may also be another way that learning will be impacted by new technology. Utilising technology such as Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) a simulated learning environment can be created which could fully immerse the learner in a subject they are learning about. For example you might be teaching new employees how to perform tasks on their job, with VR you could have the learner actually perform the tasks in an environment with no real world consequences, another use could be when teaching learners about specific places, instead of just describing the place learners would be able to virtually visit it using a VR headset.


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