Should you use click and reveals in your elearning?

Click and reveals are the simplest, most basic way to add interactivity to your elearning. However, consider if it’s really necessary or useful for presenting your content.
A click and reveal is a great way to present optional extra information, previously covered information as reference, or learner help. This also gives your learner the opportunity to choose the order in which they’d like to experience the content.
However, putting important information behind a click and reveal, or using it to include information that isn’t relevant or necessary doesn’t really help your learners and doesn’t add any value to your elearning.
Ask yourself if there is a better way to present the information. Could you put it directly onto the main content screen, creating a scenario, or using timed animation? Is it possible to cut that piece out altogether? Would the information behind each click work better as separate slides?
If the information behind the click and reveal is minimal, e.g. a name, a label, or a definition of a term, you could also use a rollover to present them. This keeps the graphics on the slide clean, can be quickly referenced, and removes itself when the learner is done without requiring extra clicks.
If you need help making your elearning more engaging, or want to discuss ways to streamline your elearning content, contact us at!